Thursday, January 24, 2008

Youtube Application launched for N95 (like iphone)

Great News

Google Has launched Youtube as a separate application for Nokia's N73, N95, E65, 6110, 6120 and SonyEricsson k800 and w880.

Don't believe me look at the pictures below.

Installing the application
1. Using your phone browser go to:
2. Follow the instructions to download YouTube
3. Exit your phone browser
4. Find the YouTube icon on your phone and start watching videos

Why can't I play videos with YouTube for Mobile?

If you can't play videos once you've successfully installed the YouTube for Mobile app, one of the following issues may be causing the problem:

  • Your phone may not support streaming video. Check by trying to play a video at
  • Your streaming video access point may need to be configured outside of the YouTube for mobile app. Depending on your phone and mobile data provider, this access point may need to be the same or different from YouTube's. Settings can be found in these locations:
    • For Nokia devices, go to your "Applications" or "Media" menu and select the RealPlayer icon. Select "Options" > "Settings" > "Connection" > "Network" and set the default access point.(make sure this is your wireless network or any other if it works but remember this app requires loads of data so I prefer Wireless Lan)
    • For Sony Ericssons, go to "Settings" > "Connectivity" > "Streaming settings" and set the appropriate access point.
  • If you've successfully played videos with YouTube for mobile before, your network connection may not be strong enough at the moment. Please try again later.
  • Your carrier might block RTSP traffic which is required to transfer the video.
